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Let´s discuss Surgery Kits

Sup every one.

TLDR: I think CMS and Survival Kits are too easy to obtain and to play for how strong they are.

I believe in a pretty hardcore and survival-like approach to this game. If you don´t share this view, you might find this proposal dumb, and I understand that.

The problem:

Healing of blacked out body parts should be a novelty. Getting a blacked body part should make you seriously consider to leave the raid in a lot of the cases. The availability of surgical kits is extremely high. They are very common medical spawns and their market price is on a historical low.

The solution:

I think CMS and Surv12 Kits should be:

  1. lowered in overall spawn chance and given a higher medical spawn chance only on maps like reserve, labs and the Interchange Ultra Medic, NecrusPharm Pharmacy or Emercom Medical spots.
  2. Trader availability locked behind a multi-stage questline which has three or four Quests with medium to high difficulty.

Optional Addition:

Give medical tools the ability to function as a 1 time use surgery kit to allow early game players some uplift in difficult situations by offering up valuable (container) slots.

Induced gameplay changes:

  • Gunfights and being hit gets more punishing
  • CMS and Surv12 becomes a highly sought after Item and the new Questline expands the list of midgame waypoints towards Epsilon.

I am looking forward to your points and a discussion. Details like how the quests could look, where in terms of progression they could be placed or other stuff can be figured out by BSG.


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