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Loot/marked rooms isn’t as bad as it seems!

Meant to title the post the loot may not be as bad as it seems.

I've long suspected that hackers are the reason loot seems so bad now, specifically the high loot areas/rooms (marked rooms/sani's office, east 222/226, west 301, etc), and last night, I was able to confirm that's what's going on (despite some of the naysayers here).

Last night a buddy and I were running lighthouse, night time. Pretty early in the raid, we run into a 2 man. Buddy goes down, I kill the other 2. I dumped my buddies gear, and started looting the 1st of my 2 kills (the bodies of the other 2 man were approximately 30 meters apart).

At this point, maybe 6-8 minutes had passed since the raid began. The bodies were located in the hills area between scav landing hideout, and the bridge to lighthouse (we had closest spawn to bridge). As I'm looting the 1st of the duo, I heard what sounded like someone landing on the ground after they jumped, behind me. I spin around, look in the FLIR, and see someone crouched on the second body of the duo. I immediately drop him with a headshot. Turn back around finish cleaning up the 1st kill. I then go loot the 2nd kill. When I start looting the 3rd "jumping sound" guy, he has a raid backpack with a metal fuel can, mppv rig, and 2 of those brown lpv rigs that has 2 2×2 slots. In the rigs were easily over a mil worth of loose loot: a gpu, 3x vpxs, a mule, a melodinin, a bit coin, a few gp coins, and 5-6 streamer items that vendor pretty well (pro kill, axel, etc).

I won't post the guys name since it's not allowed, but he was level 57, non-eod edition. Kinda makes sense considering we haven't had a ban wave list in awhile. I guess when he teleported his pc had a huge fps drop which gave me a few seconds to drop him.

I posted our spawn location because we had closest spawn to lighthouse, and encountered the team that had the 2nd closest spawn to lighthouse. I know there is going to be people that come in here and say it's possible to find/obtain that much loot in under 8 minutes, even while not having one of the closest spawns to lighthouse, however I'm going to now believe those people are the ones benefiting from the hackers, and/or the hackers themselves.

Point of this post is to pass the word that the designed loot dispersion may not be as bad as we think, but the hackers whole teleport around gobbling up all the loose loot make it feel that way.

TL;DR – Hackers make the loot problem seem worse than it actually is.


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