Maybe PMC means something different Russians

A lot of posts mention things like "My character is supposed to be an elite PMC with extensive training, why don't they know how to shoulder a rifle?!" It occurred to me today that maybe our interpretation of what PMC's are and the Russian interpretation of what a PMC is are completely different things. When we in the West thing about PMC's we think about SEALS who become contractors for the CIA. If world events have taught us anything in the last year that is not the case everywhere in the world. Maybe our PMC's don't know how to shoulder a rifle because right before they were sent to Tarkov they were baristas and college students, not trained soldiers. If we look at our character's behaviors this makes a lot of sense. They can't run with big backpacks because they are used to carrying textbooks and laptops in their backpacks, not grenades and ammo. They can't shoot weapons properly because they haven't fired a gun since their mandatory high school military training. They can't survive without food and water every twenty minutes because they have never had to. Now everything makes sense to me.


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