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Meteor struck nearby

Valheim – Quick Tips to Start

Hi all,

I couldn't find a post on this, apologies if this was discussed in another thread.

I was playing last night and an intense thunderstorm rolled in, nothing out if the ordinary with that. After a few moments, a series of bright flashes caught my attention along the horizon. I stepped out of my longhouse and saw a rock/meteor moving diagonally downward across the sky. It wasn't moving incredibly fast, and it had a bunch of lightning all around it.

I did my best to mark it's landing spot on the map. I sailed over to it and there was a runestone roughly in the area (there's no way for me to know exactly where it landed). I think it's a coincident that the runestone happened to be at this spot though. It was a basic one that read:
" Where the grass grows underfoot
And the sky is blue overhead
There will always be a hearth and a home"

Has anyone else seen a meteor like this? If so, were you able to find where it landed? I've played hundreds of hours and hadn't seen anything like this yet. I wish I had a screenshot or video, but wasn't able to capture it in time.


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