mid wipe and end wipe is not funny

I have been playing since the closed beta, I have played every wipe and I have seen this game change, sometimes for the better and sometimes for the worse, but I have never seen the wipes change.

like any wipe we get to the point where the game completely loses the fun, and it's not because there are fewer quests or because you lose all the initial objectives of the game.

but because people don't really know how to enjoy this game, people take this game as if they lose their life in reality, pvp is so sad because people are sad. I find myself fighting against people who stand still, lock themselves in buildings to look only at the entrances, do not apply flank, do not move around the map, wait and wait for you to make the first move. Sometimes it feels like you're playing rainbow six when you attack. for me putting inertia made my gameplay worse, but not because I'm a chad and I like playing cod, simply because it took away that slight advantage I had in doing A-D against people who barricade themselves in a hole. I have played numerous fps and this is the only fps where there is no skill, not in aiming but just in moving. I have 50% survival rate because to have FUN I have to go and track down people and in most of the times I die because many times there is no way to win, we do not have the movements that we can do in reality to have the advantage over barricaded people (ps: I play airsoft I am not a soldier but I know what I am talking about a little) after all the quests what you have left is to play try to have fun with some healthy pvp but it is impossible to really have fun. a few wipes ago I don't know if because the game was easier but people moved more, played more, I would like to understand what happened to these people.

I am not here to give advice on how to improve this situation because I am not bsg and I am so bitter that I have no idea how to make this game rewarding in fighting. but I just know that the more we go on and the worse it will be, it is no coincidence that healthy people stop playing after 2 months because there is nothing left to do. i really hope in arena mode

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/tcpj7v/mid_wipe_and_end_wipe_is_not_funny/

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