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minimum boss run

Maypoles, Flower/Berry Spawns, & Seed Crops should increase honey yield.

I've been considering for a while what the minimum number of bosses one would have to reach the current end of the game, and how one could circumvent the issues of skipping bosses would provide (within one world, and fresh characters).

Eikthiere is the easiest; you can skip needing his pickaxe by having trolls destroy tin and copper deposits. Once you have enough to makena forge and some bronze, you can make a bronze pickaxe and mine what else you need.

Elder is harder… by skipping him and his key, you can't get withered bones (right?) So you have to skip bonemass either way, plus no access to easy scrap iron deposits. You could potentially get iron one of two ways I can see; the more tedious and dangerous option would be to randomly mine the swamp hoping to hit deposits. The (potentially) better option would be to skip straight to mistlands. Idk what quality pick is the minimum to mine the ancient armor/swords, and either way, gjal, or seekers/soldiers might be able to destroy them. Either way, may not be required for mountain though would make it easier obviously.

Bonemass can be skipped easily, if not without tedium. The lack of a wishbone will make hunting for silver tedious and challenging, but not impossible. And iron is not actually required to fig it, since you can dig out the surrounding stone with even copper. Getting silver tier is absolutely required since…..

Moder is mandatory. Her drop is the only way to make many vital crafting stations for plains and mistlands, not least of which are the blast furnace and spinning wheel. Plains is basically business as usual, and by extension mistlands

Yagluth is…optional but I would say recommend. You could do mistlands without wisps…

No idea about the queen , haven't gotten that far.

Thoughts? Strategies for fights or sequence breaks?


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