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Mistlands introduced two new navigational obstacles but only provided a solution to one.

How to build a large and tall house in Valheim

Everyone is familiar with the Mistlands namesake obstacle: The Mist.
We received a new item to help deal with this in the Wisplight, though whether this is sufficient is frequently up for debate on the forum, but at least we have something.
The second obstacle is the sheer vertical cliffs and spires of rock, far beyond anything we encountered in the Mountains, which could have been a new biome on their own, requiring a drop from The Queen to help us navigate. For example, climbing gear, or at least spiked shoes that prevent you from sliding down steep slopes.
Instead we're left to spam jump until we're out of stamina, pray we find a foothold somewhere on the cliff face, and wait 10-15 seconds for stamina to regen. Repeat ad nauseum.
This is exacerbated by the mist significantly; you end up climbing sheer cliffs more often than you may need to, because you can't see any other paths around.
Valheim is one of my favorite games of all time and I can't get enough of it…. except for the Mistlands. I'm on my 4th full playthough since the Mistlands update, and every time I get here, the playthrough fizzles out fast due to the tedium.
It feels very similar to searching for silver in the mountains without a Wishbone, or farming iron in the Swamp without a key. It's just missing something.


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