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Mistlands Overhated

Is Valheim coming

Can somebody please explain to me the hate behind mistlands? As someone who’s been playing since the beginning, mistlands is probably my favorite biome in the whole game. It is clearly the most fleshed out, polished, and all around fun and intriguing biome in the entire game. Not to mention, an actually interesting and creative boss fight. The mist is not nearly the annoyance that people claim it to be since many areas of the mistlands are mist free and traversal is completely fine with the wisp + cape. It just feels like people are hating on the mistlands purely because it’s new and their list of grievances are just minor annoyances that exist in every biome in this game, except with those biomes people have already played them for so long that the annoyances are just expected, such as the constant drake spam in the mountains, ridiculous copper grind in the black forest, getting your loot back in the plains with deathsquitos chasing you, etc.


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