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My experience with Tarkov

I have been playing Tarkov now for about a year. I would say I am not a very good player but have very much enjoyed the game.

Lately, I have had a rough streak. Death after death on my PMC runs. Yet, I kept coming back for more.

Yesterday for example, I died 3 raids in a row on my PMC and both scav raids I did. I was running factory (scav) and customs (PMC).

My stash was down to less then 1,000 roubles. A buddy and myself then did a Scav run on Customs and things changed. A juiced level 60 tapped my friend, but somehow, I was able to drop him. He was filled with loot from everywhere it seemed.

Just like that I extracted with 700K worth of stuff. Next PMC? Hit marked room and snagged an M1A and HK and was able to extract.

Yes, I have run into a few hackers. Yes, I have experienced desync issues and stutters. BUT, things like the examples above bring me back in regardless.

Selling everything and watching the roubles come in satisfies an itch that only Tarkov can scratch.

This is my experience with Tarkov, a game with some flaws and is another level of punishing at times…..but I cant put it down!


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