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My first experience in the mountains

Valheim – Quick Tips to Start

Bonemass dead, level three iron armor and weapons, food, frost potions.

I am ready.

Made a small base in a black forest biome, that borders a big mountain in the plains.

Let the adventure begin.

Crossed the really small part of the plains needed to get to the mountain.

Met 2 goblins and a mosquito but they were no trouble…I didn't almost die, no!

Potion on and run to the top of the mountain.

Ground starts shaking… oh,a stone thingy…

Well I guess that is the mountain equivalent of the forest troll.

I know the drill, a well timed block, then a few hits.

BAM! I m now a frozen pancake. No matter, I'll run back, it is close.

No frost potions….ok I'll have to be fast.

I make it to my stuff, golem is taking a stroll ,I have time!

Another potion, foods, lets wait for hp to regenerate. What is that weird screeching sound? Is that a dragon?

BAM! I am now a popsicle. No matter, it is close.

I run back, Golem is fighting dragon and winning…gear, food, potions, activate bonemass power and golem is down! I am barely alive.

I find a nice spot and start digging.

The plan is, to form a small base up there and process all the silver I find on location.

I had mats with me for portal, forge etc.

"You are being hunted"

What kind of fresh hell is this now?

ohh a wolf! New mats, yay!

ohh and another one…and another…BAM I am now dog food.

NO FUCKING MATTER…it is close.

Four silver veins, a cave and lots of fights. I give it 9/10 I would visit again.


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