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My problem with devotion

witcher gwent cards

Hello everyone, it's your daily devotion post. We saw different discussion about what better – buff devo, or nerf neutrals, but now I want to talk about something else. About Devotion gameplan.

I mean, MO, SY and SK has great devotion, which clearly supports one archetype (Wild Hunt, Firesworn and Warriors) and fully works with it. (well, except elder). Two of four devotion ST cards also works for same gameplan. NG is strange, it looks like it has some spying synergy but I don't see how you can create a gameplan from it. But maybe I'm stupid. And NR devotion is absolutely strange. You have some soldier engine with order reset, some buff for low power units, generator of copies with buff and kerack marine. It working in absolutely different strategies. And I think that it's a problem. You should be able to create devotion and stick all synergistic cards there and have some clear gameplan, but two (three if count SK) out of six factions can't do that. So, I would like if NR, NG and SK will have all three golden and one bronze working for same idea, not for different ideas.

What do you think about it?


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