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my problem with tarkov

I have always had a love hate relationship with tarkov as has everyone else, but right now I cant bring myself to play it anymore. I have a few reasons why.
1. cheaters. cheaters really get on my nerves because I get killed by them when I do a geared run barely ever when I rat run. it's very demoralizing and one of the main reasons I can't play this game anymore(i don't know why but I never really ran into cheaters until recently)
2. maps. I know I am gonna get yelled at for this opinion but I really don't care. I really don't like any of the maps but reserve and factory. On customs I either find nothing of value and waste 30 min of my time or get killed by some dude camping the choke points. on interchange I can't do anything because I always end up getting killed by a full gear squad or something of the like. woods is woods. finally shoreline, I end up dead by a squad a gear dudes or find nothing
3. gear. I don't see a point in doing geared runs any more because every time I do I get killed in some stupid way. I mean I still do geared runs every now and again but all it does is piss me off because I get killed ( and no before you start saying in the comments git gud most of the time its me getting head eyes'd by a scavs for 100 meters away)
please all I am asking for is some feed back on what to do to get back into the game because I genuinely love this but I just can't with it anymore


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