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My story of Elite Dangerous

I've now officially spent more time playing this game than any other. What started as a curiosity on steam (played on a macbook pro in 2017) has evolved into an absolute obsession nearly 5 years down the road.

Thankfully my setup has improved. I have the next gen xbox, a great monitor, a HOTAS (with f****** perfect bindings), and another monitor nearby to support me with info. My skills… have also improved, albeit at a less than satisfactory level. I did manage to kill my first Cyclops yesterday. Basillisk still eludes me. Glad I came to the Witch Head Nebula with money to blow.

This was something I wanted to accomplish for a while. Previously, I had been satisfied with slaying rez zones in my Vulture. Until one day, I saw a clip of a Krait mk II taking on a Hyrda and knew I had to try to get to this level. I bought one and spent the next several months catching up on engineering, learning about Robigo to pay for my 100+ deaths it would take me to get good at AX (and core mining), as well as the guardian mods of course. And, I'm a slow learned/procrastinator so this all took me far longer than necessary .

(then there were the several months of just enjoy a krait II with railguns and thermal vent beam)

The point of all this, if it was any other game I would have gotten bored within a few days. I even got bored of the Witcher (sue me). Something about this game will always draw me to it.

Anyway, thanks for reading. Thats just one CMDR sharing his love.

I'll be out blasting 'goids and listening to my Elite Dangerous Spotify playlist.


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