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Necrophos Enthusiast here XD

Dota2 Mods

Grandmaster Necrophos Enthusiast here!!Just want to "SHARE" my own personalized collection for the community.As you can see, each of my items are renamed, autographed, socketed with a Kinetic Gem, personalized and have their descriptions edited to my liking XD.

Thoughts, opinions and a "few personal notes" to share:1.) I prefer the Mask of Decay(From 2015 Collector's Cache) instead of the Golden Sullen Strands. For obvious and more personal reasons of course. I also personally liked the Moldering Mask of Ka and the Crown of the Murid Divine but grew tired and old of it.

2.) To be fully honest, I prefer the Normal Sullen Shrine than the Golden Sullen Shrine. Because of the "Fiery Green Arcana-like eyes"(If you guys have noticed, most Arcanas like Lina and Drow Ranger have their eyes glowing fiery) which the Golden Sullen Shrine doesn't have. Very sad and Disappointing.I pray/wish/hope that Valve/Dota 2 fixes or updates it with Fiery Green Eyes like the normal Sullen Shrine or some color other than GOLD. LOL. The only reason I wore the Golden Sullen Shrine in the Loadout was because it matches my Golden Sullen Hollow armor which I love and like so much because for me it really suits Rotund'jere. I'm fully aware that there's a lot of people in the Dota 2 Community who hates the Golden Immortals from Valve and honestly, I'm one of them but this Golden Sullen Hollow was one of those few exceptions. Again, it's my personal opinion.

3.) I also unequipped the "Diretide Shader Effect 2022" because not only it adds to the lag and fps, but it also renders the Green summoned Reaper animation effect from Sullen Harvest invisible. I wanted to always see that animation every time I cast Reaper's Scythe XD.

4.) I saw from notably "Gorgc" and other Pro Necrophos players/enthusiasts their complaints/criticisms/thoughts/opinions about the Sullen Sanctum bundle and them saying it's an example of a "Pay to lose" item cause of the Heartstopper Aura visibility effect thus making obvious to enemies that you're affected by it and Necrophos is near you(Even when affected by Smoke of Deceit or any form of Invisibility), also you can't toggle it on/off like Radiance.

Personally, I like and I appreciate the said item, and it's animated effects. I'm a 33 year old casual Dota 2 player(working in the medical field as a frontline Nurse) and I only play Dota 2 for fun and when I get the free time to play it. Of course and obviously, I wanted to win my Ranked matches but it's not like I'm going to play in Tournaments and Majors and TI at this age and time of my life. Not going Competitive is what I mean. I just wanted the Skins, animations, etc. that I'm paying for. You know? I guess for more immersive gameplay experience and entertainment. I appreciate what the Artists have done, their efforts(small or huge) for the Dota 2 community. I try not to be one of those toxic Battle Pass players who complain and compare about what we're given, and what we're not given. I support the community because I wanted to continue playing and not want the game to die.

Anyway, my own opinion is maybe they should've changed the Item effect, sounds, animations etc. of Sullen Sanctum for the "Death Seeker" ability and not for Heartstopper Aura. Maybe that's a better idea.

Dota 2 Game ID: 277870012

Any criticisms and opinions are welcome. Thanks.


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