New commander (50 hrs): progress report and question

Greetings Cmdrs!

Some of you may remember my first post here as a brand new pilot a couple of weeks ago. Thanks again for the warm welcome and all the advice. I'm now 50 hrs in and just thought I'd share a little update and I also want to ask your advice again.

So, having been through trial periods with Sidewinder, Eagle and Adder, I eventually settled on a Cobra mk iii, which just made everything feel that much easier. I've upgraded most of its modules to A grade and it performs really well as an early-game trader/explorer, very happy with it.

I've also done a kind of loop around some of the bubble, visiting each of the Power HQs (just out of interest really), scanning systems etc and trying to figure out what's where.

I've got explorer rank up to Surveyor, and trader tank up to Dealer so far (saving combat for later, once I'm a little less green). I've also got just under 9m credits in my account and my Cobra is worth just under 6m, so I feel like I've made a good start.

My plan is to carry on trading and exploring for the moment, but I also want to diversify into mining soon, so here's my question:

What ship should be my next upgrade? I'm looking at a Keelback – could that be a decent part-time mining ship when I'm not using it for trade? I'm thinking it would be a good introduction to using SLFs, and also an introduction to medium sized ships. If you don't think this would be good, which ship (within my budget please) should I choose?

Thanks in advance! o7


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