New flairs, repost bots, and other discussion.

Valheim – Quick Tips to Start

Greetings Vikings!
The mod team would like to announce some changes to the subreddit, per popular demand. We have adjusted the post flairs, breaking Building and Creative into: Building – Survival, Building – Creative, and Building – Mods. The userbase has requested more granularity in this regard. If you feel a post is improperly tagged, please use the report function rather than leaving a comment directly. The moderator team will apply the correct flair.

Like many active subreddits r/Valheim is targeted by bots. These often repost older top posts, to which other bots reply with suspicious links that plagiarize the original author and could result in users being scammed. Please remember that any links to non-official merchandise are not allowed, should be reported, and going forward will result in a ban.

Feel free to comment here with any ideas pertaining to the subreddit and its' moderation. These changes are based on user feedback and we want to make sure everyone is enjoying r/Valheim.

Thank you all for being part of the community, skål!


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