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New player experiencing a ‘fun’ event

Really been enjoying tarkov, new to it for a week, great game, had some fun moments, a lot more bullshit moments, and today was the worst one. I finally get a decked out ak-74 off a guy I killed in a previously raid, get on my rig (idk which one, has level 4 armour and like 30 slots), put on level 3 helmet, with all good stuff, afak all of that onto interchange in an attempt to complete jager's quest. Overall, my gear is prolly like 350-400k idk really know, but what I do know is that this event is bullshit. I spawn in with "unknown toxin" effect, killing me in a minute, and of course I still can't afford insurance, so I've lost all my gear. Like bro, this game is a strategy, extremely smart shooter, which is extremely unique and needs to have 100% attention with a smart player, so why the fuck do you add an event that can literally give you a 100% death chance off spawn, if you don't have a antedote, which low leveled players cannot access whatsoever, AND why tf do you add tanky ass scavs that literally cop 7 shots of an ADAR (MIGHT'VE been shitty ammo) to the legs, with very little damage, followed by no reaction to the shots and just shoot back rather than running (or crawling), which then one taps me to the dome.


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