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New player getting bored…

This is my first wipe. I’m currently level 30. Some of these tasks are super boring/repetitive/annoying. I’ve made a decent amount scaving lately (3.2 mil rubles today just off Woods runs). I’ve got quite a lot of nice gear…but being that my traders are still kinda low (just hitting lvl 3 on most but PK is still lvl 2) I don’t like to run a lot of it due to having shit ammo. Call it gear fear, solo anxiety (as I do run 85+% of my raids solo), whatever. I feel it’s a waste to use a nicely modded mutant/P90/M4 but have basically lvl 1 ammo in it.

So, here’s what I’ve discovered just today: PACA, SHOTGUN, COMTAC Factory raids are the fun I’ve been missing! Less than 100k for everything- paca, comtac, bank robber rig, super performance slugs, one nade, one flash bang, and the mp-133 shotgun plus a shot of morphine/propital. No helmet, no bag, no food, an afak in the butt and role right in. You die in the opening seconds? FUCK IT! Load right back in ya little bitch. Get lucky and murder some
Scavs who have your dailies on their person? Awesome! Just so happen to 3rd party a Chad who just got done fighting someone else? Even better!

Like most of us, I HATE dying with worthwhile gear..especially without having a clue as to how I died. But dying immediately to a nade/vector/other brrrrrrrt and it only costing a fraction of a single good piece of armor/meta weapon…that shit is laughable fun!

If you’re newer and growing bored and/or afraid of losing your good gear…slap on some dogshit gear and go get annihilated on factory while laughing manically.


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