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New player just lost.

This has probably been said so many times, but I am so lost in this game.

I love it don’t get me wrong, I’m over gear fear, my stash is full just because i don’t know what to do with anything and if it’s useful or I should just sell it

And when I am on raid, if I am solo it’s almost a guarantee death as a PMC. I think I may have successfully extracted twice, once for the Jagers quest and once on factory. (That map I am not really lost on)

But on maps like woods, customs, interchange, really anything except for reserve and factory I am so lost. I have an interactive map up on my second monitor but I just can not find where I spawn at to save my life. 90% of the time I am trying to run around to find some sort of landmark I picked off by either PMCs or Scav snipers. Or I run into the killwall 😂

I’ve tried going into offline as my PMC to learn it a little bit but it still doesn’t seem help, I can’t learn it. I ran one on woods earlier today just to try and learn it. I made it about 15 mins of just running around, I am going to assume in circle, but I was so lost and then I died to land mines

I also have the compass, but it seems like it doesn’t help at all. From the interactive map and the actual game map it seems like the directions can be different I have no clue.

I am really enjoying the game, I am pretty confident on my scav runs on reserve. But that’s about it. Any tips or advice?


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