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New Player on Tarkov Flea changes that I never had experience with

So I have seen a ton of discussion about the way the flea is restricted and certain limitations that have been put in to slow down RMT (ultimately RMT will happen this is just a delay). This arguments and complaints seem pretty legitimate from an older player's perspective of the game and being hamstrung from being able to profit from your risks.

That being said, as a new player, the limitations don't seem like limitations to me because it's how it has always been. In a way it was frustrating for me to find out certain items were pretty much unavailable to me but once I got in a groove (Level 19.5 with 360 hours this being my first wipe) and was able to establish a gear set that I could consistently afford it made me realize that there are veritable levels of PMCs because of some of these restrictions. When I see big boys carrying SCARs with 762 I will drop backpack and spring out, but when I see that dinky nigh lime-green WW2-era tin bucket I'm aggressing or trying to get them to team up for memes.

The restrictions for some items do blow (Lab cards? really? Scav culture is shit compared to what was before from what I gather, that sweet 300k would be a great incentive so I don't get shot like a dog at Warehouse 3 on LH again) but ultimately the restrictions on higher level gear make it so when I do take a Night-Vis'd 2 Stack down in Customs with no NV with my M4, and they were definitely way better equipped than me, the loot is so much more exciting and makes the kills even sweeter

TL;DR Lycan88 I domed your buddy and laced you at Customs but I couldn't find his body in those fucking bushes man. Also I bled all the way to ZB-11 with two broken arms, worth it for your shit ngl.


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