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NG Assimilate Is the only deck that doesn’t play like an instruction manual – Change my mind

witcher gwent cards witcher table

Ok so this is going to get a lot of hate but I have to speak my mind. If you got your deck from the deck library or some popular streamer, you are not playing a game – you're just following an instruction manual.

I will never understand how people can play the same overused deck over and over again just to switch to the next meta deck as soon as things change – putting in close to no tought or skill of their own.

Even creating your own deck can be boring after a while (Thankfully draft is a thing, even if not perfect).

There is just ONE exception. A custom build Nilfgaard assimilate deck. It is the only deck that plays differently every time based on your opponent.

The only one that does not let you play it like an instruction manual: Always the same cards in the same order in the same turns.

Change my mind.


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