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NG cultists is very fun, but very clunky archetype

witcher gwent cards

Cultists can put crazy points in a single round, but they can feel pretty meh in later rounds. I think they could be utilized as a package for decks that want to secure R1 or as a finisher for R3 but some of the design choices confuse me:

Eternal Eclipse Initiate:

This 4p dude has the incredibly unfair responsibility to make our Master of Ceremonies consistent. He is the only way cultists can Infuse enemies and that’s tied to an order ability on a 4power body….

I really think he should be a deploy a ability with 3 power. If that happens to be op he can adjusted to 5 provisions.

Eternal Eclipse Deacon

This dude puts in a lot of work. Absolute gigachad with awesome artwork. He allows you to spread the message on your own terms since you pick the units. Doesn’t feel that bad when he gets removed since he at least has a deploy ability.

My only complaint is that you really want to play both copies before proccing chapter 1 of scenario for max value.

Master of Ceremonies

This lazy motherfucker makes my blood boil. This dumbass will randomly throw the cultist tag on two gold units without consulting you at the start of the game. He also infuses them with “After this card is played or Summoned, if you control 3 or more Cultists, damage the lowest-power Infused enemy unit by 3.”

This means you should not use gold units with veil, be careful of putting knickers in your deck since he might come out at a less than optimal time. Disloyal gold units could be bad too since you lost out on the impactful chapter 1 buff. Maybe even think again if you put in a gold tech card. Master of Ceremonies might decide Geralt Yrden is a cultist in a game you don’t need him.

The Eternal Eclipse

If you won the game with cultists, it’s either because the opponent forfeited or this card didn’t get yeetwaved.

The cultist tag provides inherently no value, but after chapter 1 (Infuse all your non-Disloyal Cultists on the battlefield, in your hand and in your deck with "Whenever you play a Cultist, boost self by 1, then increase this value by 1 if it was a bronze") it becomes harmony on drugs.

Here’s the thing: you really want to play your Deacons before chapter 1 since the chapter 1 buff only works on existing cultists. But cultists are stupidly low tempo and rely solely on the scenario to take the round.


Fuck you master of ceremonies, deck is fun just silly that it needs scenario to actually function


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