Why is Gorgc so salty whenever Notail is mentioned or praised? Unnecessarily salty like he has a chip on his shoulder or something

Windranger DOTA 2 Hero Warriors Ice

I was watching his stream vs OG and he seems incredibly against Notail for some reason, like he's throwing shade everytime. One interaction between Sumail and Gorgc goes like this :

Gorgc : Who's the best captain you've ever played with?

Sumail : I think Johann (Notail), he's like so postive and good vibes you know?

Gorgc : I mean you would be after you've won 2 Ti's (says it seriously, not jokingly,)

Sumail : ……

Notail was positive way before he won those TI's, everyone knows that.

Another Interaction : We see Notail come on camera in the booth wearing a headset as acting coach

Gorgc : Wait..Notail is here??

Sumail : Yeah ofcourse he's the standin coach

Gorgc : Yeah but you know he didnt have any hand in OG's strats Etc, he's there purely for show

Sumail : …No..he's the coach (or sth like that)

Gorgc : Another salty reply I dont remember

Everytime Notail came on screen or was mentioned he always had something to say

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/ur53sw/why_is_gorgc_so_salty_whenever_notail_is/

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