No wipe server soon?

Hi guys,

Me and my friends used to play tarkov a lot, but the game has maybe the worst quest and rpg systems we had ever seen so far. The game was really fun when we could play whatever we wanted, but then there would always be a wipe soon after we got enough rouble to buy gears. Then we had to experience the worst part of this game again and again.

I don't know why people enjoy this, seems like tarkov players are the only community I know that enjoys sh*tty missions and pointless but annoying rpg systems over and over again. At this moment, the game is borderline trash and the community is not really friendly for certain topics.

This game does give us a lot of fun at the end game, so we still want to play it, but the early game is a total piece of junk, so we decided not playing until it has a no wipe server. I haven't been following with tarkov news, is there a no wipe server coming up soon?


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