I have been spamming OK Pos 5 from low Legend to ancient 5 almost divine with a winrate of 72% and i never ever see him beeing banned or contested.
I think he is realy strong because he rarely looses the lane and often time wins it, by outzoning the Pos 4 completly out of XP range. The best part about him in my opinion is his ability to decide team fights. His ulti shuts down physical carrys and in my brackets it is hard for random teams to disengage or dispell coordinated. Usually you will cause Chaos, because the enemy drow will either keep hitting uselessly or the pa tw and and so on will run away, while their Team is still fighting.
The biggest skill to learn in my opinion is positioning. With a good Game, especially in early to mid, you can play like a weak 3 and soak some DMG, while putting out good damage. Later you want to be hidden but near to the Team, making use Out of trees. Also itemization.
I think the high winrate comes from ok having a much higher Impact on the Game then other Pos 5 i see and saw in my brackets.
You think im just lucky with that wr in about 80 Games because noone else is picking him or is He realy super strong?
Will Immortal Players shut him down much better?
Is it worth to Go for greaves when having locket, even though my pos3 has it already?
Thx 4 reading my noob Guide
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/116zo61/noob_gives_you_advice_about_omni_knight/