Hello everyone.
As the title says i am a complete new player to space games more specifically to space MMO's, i have played MMORPG's like WoW, Guild Wars, FF14 and others along the way.
I have recently developed an interest towards the space side of things and i have heard about Elite Dangerous and EVE Online, the fact that both are MMO's is a big appeal to me.
If i may ask a few questions that would be awesome especially if you have or still do play these 2 games:
1- Which of the games worlds is bigger? I think it would be Elite's (?) but i can be wrong.
2- Does Elite Dangerous have trading like a way to craft things that we could place on a market so that others could buy?
3- I have noticed that Elite has launched a DLC called Odyssey which has a lot of negative reviews…should i buy that? Do i need that to play the game and what's the difference between a player that has Odyssey and someone else that doesn't?
4- Games like Elite and EvE it seems obvious that they have a huge world, do these games, for example the planets you go through are just there for show or you can find things in each planet? Resources and so on? Sorry if this seemed like a dumb question but regarding these games i have no idea what i will be jumping into.
5- Which of the 2 games is more casual friendly? I already am invested in World of Warcraft as main game and i was looking for something else different just to chill and where i can log in at any given time without having the sense that i'm falling behind when compared to other players?
In terms of immersion i can be wrong but Elite Dangerous seems more immersive, i think that the first person helps a lot in that sense and the universe is more in your face.
I have no idea what one can do in Elite Dangerous, in MMO's or like my favorite in WoW i love to level and progress my character, i love crafting, i love to interact in the auction house/market and also to explore, i wonder if Elite Dangerous has some of the same elements? Is there also lore that players are presented to in the game or if there is lore is more like i have to find it?
I apologize for all the questions but as i stated at the beginning i have never played an MMO that takes place in space. Thank you for your time reading this post, have a great day