Not buying travels on puck is griefing.

Windranger DOTA 2 Hero Warriors Ice

I don't know who started this buying treads idea but its misleading so many people, especially outside of immortal.

The only time you want to buy treads is if you have some serious tower hitters and want to deathball as 5 to the end of the game at 20-25 mins.

At most MMRs no one knows how to fight early or why.

Travels unlocks so much for the hero that treads doesn't. After playing a couple hundred puck games, especially with the new nerfs

The hero doesn't scale as well as a proper farming mid like TA, SF or Lina, Alch. If you go treads and they simply farm and your team plays passively. Its a near gaurenteed gg.

It can't take towers. It can't even solo kill heroes unless you are way ahead or the enemy doesn't respond with TPs.

The only thing the hero has is that it's a nightmare if it joins a fight unexpectedly, and it split pushes like a god. Travels lets you do both of those things as efficiently as possible. I feel like puck without travels is like AM with bfury.

Even on dotabuff. Treads has a 45% win rate on puck while travels has a 58% win rate. Despite being bought at around the same time with not vastly different amounts of gold.

Is there any counter arguments to this idea?


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