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Now I’m waiting for the next wipe

First off, I'm happy to be disagreed with here and I couldn't care less about these fake internet points others care for.

The most enjoyable time in this game is day 1-7 of the new wipe.

Everyone is doing the tasks, everyone is running poor ammo in poor guns, everyone is running poor armour. The fights are actually enjoyable, win or lose. They're extended, they mean more. The heart racing moment of running to extract with that one quest item you need is actually exciting. You are happy to extract with a spark plug. Can you say that another week into the wipe?

I'm approximately a 100 hours into this wipe and I'm bored. We are in end game already, END GAME already, including myself, everyone has the best ammo and fully decked weapons, with 18 grenades and zero care for surviving. It makes no difference to my rouble count if I survive or die at this point. I will buy the exact same load out and get into another raid and have zero care for the loss in the last raid. I'm not being punished for poor decision making, or poor accuracy, or whatever variable you want to throw in here. It's only a slight inconvenience. I have all the high end items, I make money when not playing. I haven't even finished all the quests, I don't need to now. What for? The Kappa? Those three extra slots? Sure, that might take another 30 hours or so.

Enjoy the rest of the wipe guys.


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