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Odyssey: Returning Player’s Experience

Hey all! Been a hot minute since I’ve jumped back into the commander’s seat and figured I’d give Odyssey a go. Gotta say after 3 years of not playing things have changed a lot. Carriers, thargoid war, and space legs! Playing for the last couple of days the game has rekindled my interest in space sims. I know that Odyssey had its (very) rough start and it’s split the player base. But going into it with an open mind gotta say that I am impressed. Game runs decent while on foot and ran into a few wonky ui bugs here and there. The combat is a little challenging/overbearing sometimes (my gamer reflexes ain’t what the used to kid), and I wish/hope there is more variety of equipment and weapons to come. Doesn’t check all the boxes like Star Citizen does in terms of detail but hey at least the damn elevators work lol. Overall I’m excited for this new chapter for Elite and predict that I will be spending most of 3309 on the flight deck. Till next time, fly dangerous commanders o7


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