Odyssey weapons stability mod…

Does it even do anything? When researching for good mods for my Tormentor, I found this thread on Frontier forums:

I paid close attention to my Stable Tormentor pistol today. It’s one projectile per click (so no auto fire) and there’s an unavoidable delay between firing even if you spam the fire button. With ADS it’s quite accurate, and even with base falloff you can do some damage from a surprising distance.

Non-Stable Tormentors have a pronounced recoil, but with enough time it does return to your original aim point. With fire button spam you can get another projectile out before it reaches that aim point, however.

With Stability on board there’s just a tiny little hop upwards after you fire, after which it returns to the same pixel you left. This meant that I could spam the fire button and it would always fire at the earliest opportunity right where I was aiming.

Thinking it would help my Tormentor, I decided to put that mod on, but there doesn't seem to be any perceivable difference in gun recoil. I even bought a second Tormentor as a control and spent some time shooting at rocks – no noticeable difference whatsoever. Have I just wasted a mod slot on my grade 5 gun? Does the stability affect only full-auto guns?

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/EliteDangerous/comments/rc02wf/odyssey_weapons_stability_mod/

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