Off lane 1100MMR, I “ignore” my team and It wins me the games, for now

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I am new player (200 games)and I usually play Offlane or Support 4/5. But recently I was on huge winning streak with Night Stalker. Winning lane certainly helps to feel in dominant position.
If I am allowed I farm farm farm, if it's night people sometimes want me to fight, but I prefer to farm since I farm even faster, run fast beetween the camps and I can quickly kill ancients with the shard, if they catch me it might be easier for me to get away. If I fight after laning phase It depends if my Ulti is up or not, not really by day/night, I really like to fight when I finish my Echo Sabre and BKB, I find that I usually fail to utilize blink properly (if I build it early I don't have enough fighting stats, if I buy it late I forget I have it – lame excuse, maybe it would be really good after BKB), I prefer to work with terrain and flank with my ulti that allows me to fly.
Maybe it would be good idea to play NS core, but I feel so stressed out as Core.

Different pick, Dark Seer, I am having such a blast when playing that hero. I feel like I am there just to annoy and troll my enemies. I constantly push lane, farm their jungle. I had games where 4 people chase me through entire map, space created indeed. Unlike NS I instead I build aura items and tank items. When I come to fight you can really feel how entire team is tankier thanks to my auras. Probably what players stereotypically want from their off-lane, shame I never join the fight! 😀 jk, I do join… but If they leave me alone I prefer to just push push push and farm, I am really suprised how enemy is willing to just let all that juicy farm die under a turret and if they came, better, it they come it helps to lift off pressure of my team, at least I think. If there are wards left, I buy 1 for myself so I can see if enemy is about to gank me.


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