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Ok, fast forward to May – old Journeys come back… what happens with weekly quest?

the witcher and ciri gwent


How do you think the weekly quests will be resolved for returning journeys? All available from the start? Put the timer and release new every week? All from the start but more grindy? No quests at all?

So, currently every week we get new batches of standard and premium journey quests alongside with new story chapters. Those quests give incredible boost in progression as each of them gives 20 crown points (which, if we take into account games played to finish, can be rounded to 1 journey level and I will refer to them as such in this post).
12 weeks of quests represent 36 levels 'for free' for standard journey and additional 36 for premium (total of 72 levels gained from weeklies). 72/100 gained for free is amazing but the fact that the quests are spread throughout 12 weeks balances it out to make the progression less explosive.

Fast forward to May, you get to resume or begin your Geralt and Ciri journeys (only one at the time can be active). How do we expect the quests to work?

  • Option one, the easy-cheesy:

All quests are available from the start since the original 12 weeks have passed. Which means that you can start Geralt journey, grind all 72 quests and either finish up the rest of journey within 1-2 weeks or instantly jump to Ciri's journey and grind another 72 levels. While I'm aware that some journey contracts require 100 games with X trinket or that Ciri allows rewards up to 175th level, this seems to be too good of a situation as it creates very explosive progression and generates insane amount of reward points. It's the easiest solution but I doubt it will be the one CDPR goes with

  • Option two, the watch begins anew:

On may the timer starts, every 7 days new weeklies unlock. Does the timer tick only for one journey? Or if I finish Geralt's journey after 12 weeks will Ciri's have all quests unlocked? Then the second (and third if we look at the August journey returns) journey has the explosive progress I talked about in previous point.

  • Option three, harder quests:

So this idea is that we get all the quests but the requirements are just multiplied. By how much? 2x? 10x? If we consider 10x then play 2 games becomes play 20 games, boost 20 times becomes boost 200 times. I think those numbers are too high, like contracts level high. 2x on the other hand feels ok-ish, more like a band-aid solution, but still ok to slow things down.

  • Option four, what's done is done:

Quests do not return, there is no timer on journeys so everyone will eventualy finish them. Quest related contracts stay exclusive for those who completed them upon first release.

I'm aware that this post may sound like I'm concerned that I will progress too fast. I'd love to rapidly progress because I've missed Ciri's journey and I aim to hit that level 175 and the 'NANI?!' avatar along the way. I am just curious on how the matter can be resolved.

What do y'all think?


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