Omni-Throttle truly shines in one specific area; SRVs

Omni-Throttle is truly a magnificent control-scheme for SRVs. It's trivial to bind literally all movement for the SRV, leaving the right stick totally free for any rotation/turret controls. I have throttle, steering (L/R axis) and vertical thrusters (twist up) all on the left hand. I know that Omni-Throttle is basically just twin-stick, but it feels way more natural for me to have the left stick tilted.

If you've been waffling about a twin-stick setup, I'd recommend trying out an Omni-Throttle. While the Omni has clear benefits when flying a ship in space, it didn't actually dawn on me until driving the SRV how much nicer it is for control.

(Note: if you've been driving with steering on your right hand, like I have, steering on the throttle feels super weird and clumsy at first. My tip is an old flight school trick; sit on your right hand while you drive around with your left. Soon you'll be ignoring the old steering habits like a pro.)


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