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One final rant before taking a break

gerald witcher 3 gwent table

I know you see this post on a daily basis but it's still something that needs to be discussed over and over until CDPR notice that they are slowly killing the game.

So I've just taken the decision to take a break from Gwent – no one cares I know but I want to share some thoughts that I think veteran players agree to -.

The reason I loved this game and enjoyed it that it requires skill, knowing when to play your key cards, when to build up tempo, when to pass, push, bleed and when to commit your cards.

I always brew my decks.. for me it's the most interesting part of the game and I've been playing in pro rank since I got back to the game last year.. now the game is very different.

If I want to play mindless points slam committing everything and throwing strategy out of the window there are a million games out there.. this is not why I love Gwent. Game just became about who has the fastest tempo and the fact that all decks use the same overpowered neutrals made all decks similar and boring.. I mean I just lost to a nova deck even though I went round 3 with 2 cards up because I couldn't find my squirrel to punish Aerondight..

I don't know how many people share this sentiment and perhaps there are many players who are just enjoying the simple auto-pilot point-slam but I am not one of them..

I hope that CDPR fix their game and fix it fast as this last card drop completely ruined the game with neutrals that made all decks look a like.

I'll take a look on patch day and hopefully will see some balance changes so that I get back to the game. Until then take care fellow gwenters and have fun!


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