Hi there. I'm CMDR Sebby. I'm a rather new member of the community all things considered but many of my fellows pilots and mentors have been playing the way we call "Hooning" for years now, and at least for as long as I been
We also know that Frontier owe us absolutely nothing, and we're ready to basically accept that our favorite game will stop existing in 2 weeks. But some public olive branches were attempted from the community management, so we're hoping this is all just a misunderstanding.
I am here as an ambassador of sort, to explain our position, our concerns, and hopefully steer the E:DO devs into actually achieving the goal they seemingly set for themselves (making sure there is content for quote/unquote "canyon runners"). I'll try1 to be as short as possible but since this depends on somewhat in-depth use of the game's unique flight mechanics I'll try to vulgarize it best I can so we can all have a shared understanding of the situation.
WHAT IS "HOONING"? (and why it's not the public perception of "Canyon Running")?
We also do this
The short answer is… the speed limit, the ships, the universe at large and the way the planets were generated in Horizons.
But the big thing is unique way Elite: Dangerous FA-OFF has near-newtonian flight physics, with a speed cap that causes a gradient in thruster performance, how the cargo scoop/landing gear reduces your max speed to control your boost speed. All these interacts with the strange way Elite "speedlocks" you at certain speed in certain gravity that lets you accelerate beyond the limits with additional constraints… and how it's partially about flying ships designed for other purposes put into these extreme conditions. Not to forget that it's simply part of the same "game" as all the other fun things to do and how you can overlap or switch at will. But also it's part of the Exploration loop for us. Exploring is part of finding fun places to fly (and drink… and drink & fly). No other game has this very unique combination of mechanics that leads to this beautiful emergent gameplay opportunity. (For exemple, I "hoon" in Kerbal Space Program but it's not at all the same thing!)
In fact, it's so dependent on Elite:Dangerous that someone is functionally making their own game, specifically to capture the feel of hooning in E:D Horizon… and for some the fear is that it'll have to be a replacement to E:D and not another fun thing to do.
WHY IS ODYSSEY (and by extension "Canyon Running") A THREAT TO THIS COMMUNITY
There were literally no "Canyons" in Odyssey's Alpha that were considered "Hoonable". None. Some were close to hoonable but since most of us are accustomed to the hellscape of Achelous 8A and beyond… They couldn't kill a Sanderling even if they were particularly drunker than usual. And a canyon that can't kill you is no canyon at all!
Even Nervi's galactic tallest mountain was gone.
We know the Alpha's planetgen was "incomplete" but since we have no way to know how it will be, we can only discuss what we do know.
The community management said they were specifically trying to have canyons for canyon running, and that they even had "handcrafted" some, whatever that means. But all indications is that they are "VJ Style" canyons, not actual… well… uh… fun-yons? If you want fun Canyons, FDev, you need them to be be tight, twisty and rubble-y!
We know it's extremely unlikely that any changes to the galaxy generation to be implemented after the release, so this is kind of our last ditch effort…
A) If the current system makes it literally impossible to hoon… maybe we could keep one of the fun planets from Horizon? We don't need a lot… a planet is big, and there's literally billions. Doesn't even need to be in the Bubble, we'll make the pilgrimage don't worry. Just ask us which one we want.
B) If the system makes it possible, then we just ask that the parameters allows some of the gravitationally sheared and stretched worlds stays a bit "extreme" at times. Doesn't need to be planet-wide either, we know there's regions and geomes in Odyssey, it could just be some parts like that. If we know they're out there somewhere, we'll happily explore to find them!
C) Depending what you mean by "Handcrafting"… it sounds a bit lukewarm. But if you really want to go that way, come hoon with us and see for yourself what makes it magical so you can do it the way you wanted to in the first place.
1 I'm not that great at being short, and I don't have the free time to thoroughly edit this to make it shorter. But I tried!
2 CMDR Sanderling celebrated their 4800th rebuy this week
Did you know the Asp Scout is one of the most
Additional Links & Resources
There's people streaming hoons almost 24/7 on the Newton Gambit's discord. Feel free to join us on Achelous 8A, TZ or any of the other famous extreme planets.
Legendary CMDR Sanderling's
NG's Leader MadRax's
CMDR BeerZ's
CMDR Yaha-Shura's
CMDR Ser Xav's