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Opening my heart about party ranked games

Manage your Mods easily with Dota Mods

Dota is one of the few bounds I have with my brother since WC3, although we've got only ~3k games each .

We recently got back queueing ranked to have some tryhard fun in the Archon – Legend bracket and after climbing a little bit (about 300 MMR), we started falling over again.

Games just got completely different, there's clearly a smurfing pattern on mid with a guy getting 10/0 on OD/NP/Tiny in the other team.

I know playing in party is worse for this, but it's just pointless for me to climb without my brother. And btw unranked games are a shitshow with players direspecting lanes and clowning around.

We're playing on the SA server, I'm not sure whether the holiday season is making it worse but we're kinda getting sick of losing games which a single mistake equals losing it all because my mid got stomped.

Btw we play in the same lane (1&2 or 3&4) and we don't have any mid proficiency. Anyone can relate or have a solution for this despite "GiT gUd"?


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