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Out in oochorrs JE-C C15-0 not sure what to make of this.

I had a idea to supercruise in oochorrs JE-C C15-0 pointed at HD 38291 for a long time while I went to the store, not sure how long maybe hour plus maybe. At first I was thinking it was the system next to Hd 38291 but I marked to to check and its to far off. Hd 28291 has a red glow to the side of it now I could not see it before I left for the store and I am not sure if it is a system in the background or not. It moves a bit but clips back after a while. When I looked at the high res screenshot the red glow almost looked like the red in the center of the flare or what ever its called.

Clip of it moving like the flared did clipping back, still going for now


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