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Out of every game I’ve ever played, Tarkov takes the cake for worst AI

Let me preface this by saying without AI this game would surely loose some of its "always on edge" factor, and would feel empty compared to what it feels now.

  • Exploitation: AI can be extremely difficult, but can also be so easily exploited that the ridiculous difficulty can is side stepped and abused by certain exploit tactics or spots. Using some normal tactics can be an absolute death sentence, but those same AI that are 360 no scope head shoting you from 300 meters away can be so easily abused, and you see these tactics being constantly used by streamers and any player that knows these exploits.

  • Consistency: I totally understand that AI has to have levels of difficulty, and not every single scav, raider, rogue, guard and boss needs to act exactly the same, but God damn some of the AI act like they were just clubbed while walking off the short bus. Some times bosses and their guards will hunt you down run right too you and slide head tap you, and other times they sit there and shoot and wall and look at a corner like they are in time out. Some scavs will have their entire family slaughtered right next to you and will just stand there doing literally nothing, and other times they will dolphin dive head shot you from 75 meters. The AI is ridiculously inconsistent even at the exact same difficulty tier.

  • AI behavior and difficulty: Honestly we all know that AI act terribly. Many AI will just stand still and do literally nothing, or will walk in a straight line being worthless. Scavs have luckily been given some better tactics, but the behavior isn't exactly what you'd expect from any AI. The difficulty in this game is the stupidest way I've ever seen AI behave. They don't have fun or engaging movements or tactics, they just get aimbot and wall hacks that nobody likes dealing with. Also, the whole "when you aim at them they detect you" thing I've seen thrown around, and experienced before is ridiculous. I can barely see them properly, but these rogues and other AI go from facing a wall to instantly seeing me from 200 meters in fog.

Rogues: Honestly, I see rogues as one of the worst additions in a long time. Not only has it made half the lighthouse map a suicide zone for bear players, but to any player trying to fight them they are extremely irritating and monotonous to face. They can be easily exploited by certain spots on the map, and will sometimes even let you stand stupidly close whole you murder their whole team, and then them. They are the most bullshit yet stupidest AI I've seen.

In all honesty, the AI could make this game truly challenging In fun and entertaining ways, but as they stand, they are simply placeholders, or obstacles that are used to fill the world. If this is how AI is intended to work for the final product, then they will slowly become insufferable to face, and a hindrance to the well being of this game.

What do you all think?


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