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Peace is Paramount, but not for 2/3 of the Superpowers…

The Thargoid Re-emergence in 3303 was a byproduct of Federal and Imperial interests in the Pleiades Nebula, and the ongoing Invasion we deal with today is a byproduct of Azimuth Biotech's interest in extermination. Azimuth's decision to build a superweapon was justified on hostilities in the Nebulae. The same hostilities we (as a species) provoked by harvesting Thargoid resources, occupying their territory, and hunting their ships. What transpired before applies today, but none of that matters now…

Or does it? As we continue to defend ourselves as a species, finally gaining ground… the same two Superpowers responsible for provoking the initial conflict are actively disrupting resources for AX defensive efforts. The Federation spearheaded the only Xeno Peace mission ever, the Kingfisher, yet their ideologies as a society suggest that peace was never an option on their minds. No matter the context. It has become clear that this megaship was an expendable project for political power. The assertions levied by the Sovereign Newsfeed appears to be accurate based on the current political climate. Intentionally mishandled. Peace is the answer to this madness.

Yet another conflict was provoked by the Federation through one of their own aligned factions. The full details of how AX resources are being disrupted can be seen below in the latest Galnet article…

Also note the lack of Pilots Federation Alert** for the Alliance Galnet… curious indeed.

Corporate Battle Erupts in Tavgi System
06 APR 3309

*Pilots’ Federation ALERT*
The killing of Caine-Massey’s CEO has sparked conflict between the Federal corporation and Imperial rival Torval Mining Ltd.

Acting CEO Philippa Barlow-Lyons provided a statement regarding the hostilities: “The Federal Intelligence Agency tracked Johann Fleischer’s assassin from Mars to the Tavgi system, whereupon he boarded the Orchestral Falcon, one of Torval Mining’s megaships. We demanded that he be handed over to stand trial for his crime. They refused to even acknowledge us. Zemina Torval thinks she has taken her revenge and got away with it. She is wrong. Caine-Massey has instructed Tavgi Blue Life Inc, our business partner in the system, to board the Orchestral Falcon – by force, if necessary – and apprehend the suspect. We will do whatever it takes to arrest the Imperial Intelligence agent we hold responsible for murdering a captain of Federal industry.”

A response was issued by Senator Zemina Torval:
“Caine-Massey is using its CEO’s death to excuse a deliberate strike against my company, damaging our share price and testing the will of our political connections. Torval Mining Ltd will defend its property, as well as the honour of the Empire, against this unjustified assault.”

To support their combat operations, Tavgi Blue Life Inc and Torval Mining Ltd have called upon Federal and Imperial naval auxiliaries to report to Gordon Enterprise and the Orchestral Falcon respectively. The conflict has heightened political tensions between the Empire and the Federation. With the majority of superpower naval forces deployed to the Thargoid front line, system authority vessels around Tavgi have been placed on alert.

President Zachary Hudson was quick to comment that
“my administration upholds the right for our factions to seek justice”.

Senator Denton Patreus stated: “The Empire stands ready to shield its citizens, businesses and territories from attacks by foreign powers, xeno or otherwise.”

Alliance Urges Restraint Between Superpowers
18 APR 3309
Allied and independent leaders have called upon the Empire and the Federation to discourage faction hostilities following conflict in Tavgi.

Political journalist Conrad Sterling summarised the latest developments for Vox Galactica:
“Minor skirmishes between superpower-aligned factions are not uncommon. But the Caine-Massey and Torval Mining Ltd corporations have significant political ties, so their clash has led to bullish rhetoric from members of both Congress and the Senate. Many systems where Federal and Imperial populations coexist are experiencing civil tension and spates of public disturbance. There is a sense that the historic rivalry between two militaristic superpowers is being rekindled, and that similar sparks elsewhere may fan the flames at the worst possible time.”

In the Alliance Assembly, Councillor Nakato Kaine highlighted the potential repercussions: “Military distractions between the Empire and Federation would place more responsibility on the Alliance for protecting independent systems from Thargoid invasion. As well as a potentially horrific loss of life, that would be a significant drain on already stretched resources. The hawks in each administration should be directing their aggressive tendencies toward the Thargoids, not each other.”

In response, Prime Minister Mahon agreed to send envoys from the Alliance Office of Diplomatic Relations to both the Empire and the Federation. Dozens of independent systems have supported the Alliance’s formal request to ‘lower the temperature’ and find a peaceful solution.

Old Rivals Clash as Thargoids Advance
20 APR 3309

*Pilots’ Federation ALERT*
Factions aligned to the Empire and Federation have declared war in Pichch, which lies in the path of Thargoid expansion.
Relations between the two superpowers have been strained in recent weeks, following the corporate skirmish in Tavgi. This has exacerbated hostilities between two long-standing rivals in the Pichch system, causing diplomatic negotiations to collapse.
The ruling council of Gauluujja Exchange claimed: “Imperial saboteurs have been undermining our operations for years, and a military solution is now the only option.” A similar statement was made by the Gliese 44 Citizens’ Forum’s leadership: “The typical Federal response to their problems is to blame the Empire, so we are forced to resolve this on the battlefield.”
The situation has also impacted the ongoing war against the Thargoids, as outlined in a report by freelance correspondent Karleen Troy:
“With Maelstrom Leigong’s fleet expansion only a few systems away, Pichch is currently a key distribution point for anti-xeno weaponry and supplies in the region. There is widespread concern that this conflict could disrupt the flow of resources to the front line, hindering defences in multiple systems.”
Both Gauluujja Exchange and the Gliese 44 Citizens' Forum have requested help from naval auxiliaries, who can register their support for either faction at Tiptree Port


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