The title. We all have to know that we in Reddit are just small minority and our opinion do not reflect the state of the game at all. Not every players are tryhards that suffer from Golden Nekkers, Aerondights, etc. In fact, the vast majority of the playerbase are just casuals enjoying the game, who haven't even reached rank 5 or below.
I watched the Youtube comments of the newest developer stream (
Here are few Youtube comments as a source:
Great changes! I'm really enjoying the recent focus on Artifacts — and the changes to a lot of weapons in this patch are going to make for some fun decks.
Awesome way to reintroduce the journeys. And finally a way to get rid of all those scrabs! Love it and keep it up.
This is good , a well balanced game every season, they still care about the gamers! Hats Off !
Absolutely awesome update from the looks of it. So excited. I love Gwent & the entire team behind it. Thank-you for making my favourite game.
love it love it love it thanks a million guys for making Gwent content so much better and yes these new vanities and cardbacks are absolute bangers
Those swords changes are interesting, can't wait to try them all, is it call season of swords?
This update is basically a new card drop! I love the changes sooo much.
New changes are amazing. Also adding soundtrack to journeys, loved the idea, thanks to whoever came up with that one, cuz for me personally, soundtrack is the most intresting and refreshing part of the journeys in terms of gameplay
I'm SO excited for the next patches! I feel like the devs are making all the right moves. I love the surprise of getting to spend the gazillion scraps I have!
Great patch guys, thanks for your hard work!
This is awesome to see those old cards remakes, glad the dev team noticed the necessity to reinteoduce them into the game
Would be even great with the timelapse, btw i'm so happy i decided to back in the game after 3 years, love it <3
Excellent patch, you guys are all awesome!
Great you all sound u know what ure doing! coming from a long time gwent player. I came back after a while so happy with the direction it is going and being managed
Thank you. These are the nerfs I approve. Will jump right back into the game
Nice changes, very cool
I am so excited! Can't wait! NERF NERF NERF
Waiting for Geralt journey, finally!!! CDPR you’re the best!