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Phantom assassin blur+talent/mkb rework

DOTA 2 Guides

As a Pa main i can say how frustrating it is to get countered by an item that not only gives decent attackspeed and dmg but also makes your passive completely useless.

the passive gives 50% evasion at max level and there is a 25%locked behind level 15 talent. now, when you got mkb you hit 25% of your hits by default when vs a talent+lvl4 blur pa, and 80%of that 75%. basically you have 15% final evasion with talent and 10%when no talent. bc of that you always wanna get the blink range talent which is good for jumping on supports, making the 25%blur completely idiotic to take.

so here is my suggestion:

  1. move the 25% blur talent from level 15 to 20 or 25 and make it so it doesn't get countered by mkb. (your base 50% still gets countered by mkb, but you have 25% uncounterable evasion now so being 35% total which seems fair to me)

  2. rework mkb or netf it so it doesn't destroy the heros with evasion. sure i understand you gotta have a way to counter them but thia feels like wasted money for a butterfly or a talent/skill completely, not mentioning the break from some heroes or the drow ult which peirces you anyways no mkb needed. maybe nerf the 80% to 50 and increase the magical dmg so it's good vs high armour enemies also(i know it's already a good pick vs high armour, but doesn't seem good enough imo)

all of this gives pa a better spot in the higher brackets and in the meta, which she has none of that rn, also she has a low armour bc of low stat gain which can't be solved by butterfly cuz they already go for mkb and would be stupid to go for it. only armour items she likes are skadi which doesn't help much but a but, manta and nullifier which are all situational

what to you think?


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