Is obtaining a fleetcarrier even realistic

Hello fellow CMDR's,

I am here for some advice. I have been a long time player of elite, started playing back in 2015 (well, 1985 if you count the MSX version I was playing as well 🙂 ). Because life was happening i missed the period where you could get very rich with mining and I am now picking up the game again. Mining is nerfed/balanced and I get that. It is better for the game that you can make money now in most professions, so I am ok with that.

But I am saving up for a fleetcarrier, I have 1.5 billion credits in my account now, some of that money was make in the mining-makes-you-rich-quick era. But those days are gone now. Last night I was mining and i consider myself to be a reasonably effective miner. I made aroud 75 million credits in 2 1/2 hours. How on earth am I _ever_ going to make the remaining 3.5 billion I need for a carrier!?!?

It seems that most people that own a carrier made their fortune in the golden age of mining and now it seems that ever owning a fleetcarrier is only for the people who have the time to grind for hours per week?

What are your oppinions? What am I doing wrong here or should we ask FDEV for a discount on fleetcarriers? At this rate I will never own one…

EDIT: Wow, there are so many comments! Thank you all cmdr's for your reactions! So, I was in Colonia and it seems, after an afternoon of researching, this is not the best place to earn some serious cash. So I'm on my way back to the bubble. Also, I have to read up on all the posts. It seems I have been going about this the wrong way and it does seem possible to get the needed cash for my 'FC' project :-). I think I will dabble into massacre missions, which leeds me to my next question: I have a somewhat engineered Fer-de-Lance and want to try these 'stacked massacre missions' everyone is on about. I am not the best fighter pilot, do I stand a change at these missions?


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