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Player Scavs shouldn’t be allowed in PMC Raids [DISCUSSION]

This may get downvoted to oblivion, or might not… Either way hear me out – this isn't a salty post – I honestly don't care about dying or losing any amount of loot, my hideout funds everything anyway.

In my opinion I don't think Player Scavs should be allowed to spawn into PMC raids. It's quite unfair for geared PMCs to rock into a raid, spend 20 minutes fighting their way through other geared PMCs, exhausting ammo and meds for some player scav to spawn in with a mosin or FAL and have a chance to kill you with 0 risk to their own game.

It should be PMC vs PMC and Ai Scavs/Raiders
Player Scavs vs Player Scavs and Ai Scavs/Raiders

This to me makes the most sense, if you go in risking nothing as a player scav you should only have the chance to loot other player scavs who shared the same risk and low-tier gear. The same applies for PMCs. I have had a few raids where I extracted with 12 kills and not 1 was a PMC – its quite frustrating especially when trying to complete those PMC kill quests, you're essentially fighting players with a higher intelligence and ability to kill than an Ai Scav but getting no real return or sense of satisfaction.

Happy to be challenged on why the current mix of Ai/Player Scav vs PMC is better.

Let's discuss.

Some good suggestions so far

  • Tone down the gear Scavs spawn in with (no more mosins/fals/hunters/AKs etc) – Possibly pistol only?
  • Reduce the number of Player Scav spawns (especially on maps like Reserve)
  • Make extracts harder for scavs – maybe the Armored train type extract is scav only? (currently PMCs have a harder time extracting on Reserve)
  • Player Scavs to only spawn in quite late in the raid where they can literally only Scavenge what's left over, not get a chance to get to good loot areas first or at the same time as PMCs


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