Players in automatch should be limited to a single pause

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I think removing pausing at the start of the game was a step in the right direction, but personally I believe that the amount of 3 pauses allocated to each player for each game is too much. In maybe my last 1000 hours of dota, I have never encountered a game where a player needed this much pause time from his team. Instead, I find that it is far more common for players to use pausing to grief/tilt the enemy team, or their own team after bad plays. Limiting players to a single pause will mean they have to consider far more carefully whether they are going to blow their pause to tilt the enemy team or not, lest they need to use their single pause later to wait for a teammate.

Valve has set a precedent with the removal of minute 0 pausing and not being able to ping dead teammate's items and abilities that using in game tools to tilt teammates is frowned upon (or a single dota dev encountered these things in automatch and got so tilted by them that he added them as critical priority in the backlog, i dunno lmao valve dev is somewhat of a black box). I think the number of pauses each player gets should be the next thing addressed.


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