Playing carry makes me empathize with all the tryhard carries

DOTA 2 Guides

Mini-rant ahead.

If you are a frequent support player like me, you know what I mean when I say "tryhard carry". Carry players who will spam ping X when you hit one of their creeps, who will relentlessly demand stacks, who will scream at you for not getting the right item or not using your ability in time. They're annoying, but as a support you usually don't pay them too much mind and continue doing your warding, dust buying, hopefully good ability timing etc

But by god, transitioning to playing carry makes me 100% empathize with these people because of the shit I see. Supports who refuse to buy dust when every enemy has a shadow blade, and when asked will say it's not their job (???). No one planting wards, which languish at 4 in stock in the shop. Lane supports who don't harass and somehow spend nearly all their time weirdly hanging back in the jungle (perhaps because they've seen pro supports spend a lot of time there?), and no, they are not pulling during that time. Lane supports who push the lane into oblivion until your safelane is under the enemy tower.

In general, my experience playing carry is that it can be more rewarding, but also FAR more tilting, than playing support. The opportunities for wanting to punch your monitor are more and more intense, but if you get one of those good games you will feel like god.

Playing carry will make you a better support. Playing support will make you a better carry.



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