Production-wise this was the worst TI ever.

Windranger DOTA 2 Hero Guides

Not talking about talent which was great.

Not talking about the Dota games which were great.

Not talking about the crowd who were great.

  • Where were the booths?
  • Why was the all-star match full of (mostly) not stars?
  • Why was Slacks crowd bits so impromptu. (Other TI's had more production value in these).
  • Where was the big cheese wheel?
  • Why was there a week between matches in a tournament where the meta speed is incredibly important.
  • The echoing at the first location.
  • Purge and Tsunami not being able to break down plays.

What did it all go into Jenkins hair??? That was about the only thing that was consistently on the value of such a tournament… And It's not like I don't understand that these things do cost money and Valve would like to turn a profit, but at the very very fucking least can we not buy god damn booths for the players..


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