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PROVE ME WRONG!!! There are over 40 THOUSAND Void SpiritULTRA RARES Sets drops already!

Windranger DOTA 2 Hero Guides

40.720 people are level 330

  1. which gives you around 35 imortal every 330 BP Level
  2. the escalating odds give an Ultra Rare item oftem around every 30 treasures opened.
  3. people getting them before the 30th opening or before allows us to work with the medium 30, so"every 30 treasures opened" = "1 ultra rare drop"
  4. wich gives us 40.720 people level 330 with 35 treasures
  5. whichresults in 40.720 Ultra Rare Void Spirit Sets in the market (being used + being sold)


If you just wanna troll and downvote just because you do not WANT to agree, you just prove us you dump.

This is the type of post that if you just want to troll with a "you are wrong", it only shows that you don't have the basics to understand this question. Meaning, it will just prove you don't know anybetter.

So, if writing a comment here,be sure to not embarrass yourself


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