Looks like many of you guys got questions to answer some of those i made this post.
Please if i forgot something or wrote somehting wrong, post down below. Especially the server people are welcome to post their knowlege down below.
Do i have to create a new world to get mistlands?
- No you dont have to create a new world you can use your old ones. (You can)
Will my old characters work with the new update?
- Yes you can use your old charaters, without trouble.
How to get mistlands in my existing world?
- You have to discover undsicovered parts of the map the unlock the new mistlands.
Already discovered mistlands before the actual new mistlands update will be converted but the are mostly empty and no ''real mistlands''.
How to regenerate my world?
- The world updates itself, to regenerate undiscovered biomes use command 'genloc' in the console.
How to update my world?
- In case you need to update the world this is the command 'optterrain' – Converts all terrain modifications in the nearby area from before Update 0.150.3 to the new system.
Do i get trouble while playing the Ptr or Regular version?
- You can keep playing the ptr version or the regluar version without problems with all worlds and all charaters – switching from ptr to regular will do no harm to the savedata except the ptr got a newer version than the regular, then we got 2 diffrent versions of the game. This may cause crashes or corrupt savefiles.
Will coop cause trouble with diffrent versions?
- Playing in 2 diffrent versions may cause trouble as example: User 1 plays valheim regular and player 2 plays a newer pulbic release version, both cant play together due to diffrent versions, its that easy.
I started my world what will happen?
- The first start of your map may the takes to update the data just wait.
Please dont forget to make BACKUPS to avoid trouble with losing savegames.
- dont forget to create backups in case something goes wrong while updating.
Whats next?
- When the update is done you can casually go and play the games like we all did before.
How about (hosted)Servers?
- From my experience with g-portal the server will download the update and install it by itself, after a restart the server will boot up and after a few minutes. Mistlands should be installed now and the server works like before.
Enjoy playing dear vikings.
Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/valheim/comments/zebpsv/qa_about_mistlands_worlds_servers_and_characters/