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Questions about exploring

When you honk and the system says "41 objects/planets detected" but you check the map and they aren't "discovered" yet, do you guys take the time to use the FSS and map every single planet and asteroid, and land on every landable planet for first footfall, or do you just want to keep moving and don't stop?

How are you guys finding stuff? I'm only about 1500 light-years away from the bubble, but the only things I'm discovering are the occasional gas giants and tons and tons and tons of icy/icy rock bodies with no features or signals. Yet I always see awesome pics of exotic locations and biology. Do you know where you're going or do you just randomly plot a course and go? Do I have to be really far outside of the Bubble to discover really exotic or new stuff?

Basically all I've been doing is picking a random star far away in any direction, and just hopping from star to star and mapping everything, but seeing the same stuff over and over again is getting boring. I want to see something new and unique. Any tips on how to increase the chances for that? I checked to see if my flight paths can include non-scoopable stars, but I can't seem to find that specific sub menu in the UI.



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