The scav system could be improved

As an avid scav enjoyer getting 6.0 every wipe i think there are a few changes that could be made to scavs.

The way i see it, scaving is the most accurate representation of what tarkov should feel like. Limited gear, limited meds, and not always high quality ammo. In a sense as a scav you need to pick your fights well. No point of shooting at a fully geared altyn slick gamer with 7mm buckshot or .366 geksa.

The first change i think they should make is a form of secure containers for scavs. Not as big as the pmc ones though. Maybe a 1 slot at 3.0 rep and a 2 slot at 6.0.

The second change could be the scav missions. Now i dont know if any of you have seen some of these, but an example is “kill 5 pmcs from at least 60 meters away.” How in the fuck am i supposed to do that when the guns im given might as well shoot backwards with their durability.

The third change that would be nice would be some improvements on the weapon durability and malfunctions. If you get an ak with half durability it is almost a guaranteed malfunction when you need to shoot. Kalishnikov group did a testing video where they put hundred of rounds through an ak with zero malfunctions. Irl there are aks that are over 10 years old still being used effectively. How is it that scav durability weapons suck ass when we get them?


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